Private Sector Investment Opportunities in U.S. Public Infrastructure – Post COVID-19
August 5, 2020: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Virtual

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Andy J. Dillon
Executive Director, Conway MacKenzie
Andy Dillon is an Executive Director leading Conway MacKenzie’s Government and Municipal Advisory Practice. Mr. Dillon has a proven track record of success in municipal and corporate finance with more than 30 years of experience. Notably, Mr. Dillon led engagements for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to provide liquidity analysis and the development of a 5-year forecasted fiscal plan for the Federal Oversight Board under PROMESA. Mr. Dillon is currently monitoring government policy initiatives affecting the US Automotive Industry and advising American Public Infrastructure Partners on Asset-in-kind transfers of public assets to public pension plans to address underfunded pensions, increase infrastructure investment and provide a source of liquidity for state and local governments.
Tim Romer
CEO, Fundamental Infrastructure Opportunities (“FIO”)
Tim Romer is currently the CEO of Fundamental Infrastructure Opportunities (“FIO”) – a private credit / private equity asset manager that invests in infrastructure projects in the U.S. FIO is part of FCO Advisors LP, a $1.3 billion alternative asset manager focused on infrastructure and municipal credit markets. He offers 30+ years of experience in the U.S. infrastructure, municipal and project financing completing over $75 billion in government related infrastructure projects in the transportation, water, power, social & sustainable infrastructure sectors. He also has been active in public private partnerships and government privatizations including the first US water and the largest U,S. transit P3 and first time federal privatizations.
Kurt Summers
Former Treasurer, City of Chicago
Kurt Summers is an experienced Leader and Investor with a demonstrated history of significant impact in both public and private sectors. Senior Advisor & Thought Leader in areas of Asset Management, Pensions, ESG, Public/Private Partnerships, Infrastructure, Insurance and Alternative Investments. Elected as 70th Treasurer of the City of Chicago. Earned BS from Washington University and an MBA from Harvard Business School. Summers began his career at the consulting firm McKinsey & Company. He was later appointed Chief of Staff to Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle and as the appointed trustee for the county’s $9 billion pension fund. In that capacity, Summers led changes to provide performance management in every department, which Preckwinkle claimed in 2014 had saved the city $400 million annually In his role as Chief of Staff for President Preckwinkle, Summers also steered the closure of a $487 million budget deficit while keeping the administration’s promise to roll back the county sales tax, saving taxpayers more than $400 million a year.
Jeanne Chen, CFA
Chief Investment Officer, GAVI Alliance
Ms. Shen is Chief Investment Officer of Gavi Alliance, an international organization that has immunized more than 760 million children in the world’s poorest countries since inception in 2000. Jeanne is responsible for the strategic and operational planning of Gavi’s $1 billion+ investment portfolios. Since joining Gavi’s Washington DC office, Jeanne has worked with her Investment Committee to diversify the investment portfolios, implemented robust risk management practices, and guided the development of Gavi’s Sustainable Investment Policy. She also has oversight of the retirement plans of the Washington, DC and Geneva offices. Jeanne enjoys giving back to the local community and organizes collection drives for homeless and animal shelters.