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Echo Chambers: How They Hurt Returns, and the Benefits of Diverse Perspectives in Research

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Virtual Event: "Echo Chambers: How They Hurt Returns, and the Benefits of Diverse Perspectives in Research" August 23, 2023 | 12:00 PM-1:00 PM Actively seeking diverse viewpoints may improve returns when investing in stocks. Investing according to an “echo chamber” that reproduces and reinforces prior opinions, however, can severely drag on performance. New research by…

Wharton & Wall Street Prep Private Equity Certificate 8-Week Online Program

Virtual Virtual

We are excited to share that CFA Washington members are eligible to receive $300 off tuition for the Private Equity Certificate Program from Wharton Online and Wall Street Prep.   The Private Equity Certificate Program is a self-paced rigorous online program for professionals pursuing careers in private markets. PROGRAM AT A GLANCE Registration Deadline: April…

Is ESG Investing a Violation of Fiduciary Duty?

Virtual Virtual

ESG investing has garnered strong support from prominent figures like CEO Larry Fink making it the industry norm. But can an asset manager uphold their fiduciary duty to maximize the value of their client's investment while advancing social and political objectives? State officials across America don’t think so, taking public stands against ESG investing in an attempt…

Risks, Opportunities, and the Need for Agility: 2023 Asset Allocation Outlook

Virtual Virtual

Sébastien Page, CFA, Head of Global Multi-Asset and Chief Investment Officer at T. Rowe Price, will share key insights into navigating the coming year in the current macro environment. He will cover current multi-asset class positioning, historical context, and what could be important inflection points in the current regime that investors should pay attention to…

[Webinar] Professional Development Series: Public Speaking for Business Success

Whether you are talking to one person or a group of people, public speaking is the way that a business can reach potential customers on a personal level. Being able to comfortably speak in public is a key skill that people in the business world should possess. This is first in a series of webinars…

[Webcast] Choose Your Own Climate Future: Climate Simulator Workshop for Investors

The urgency to act on climate change is real and widely recognized. Governments, investors, and companies are pursuing “Net Zero” strategies, scrutinized through mandatory disclosure. Yet there remains a significant policy and technological uncertainty. Among the huge variety of technologies, business strategies, and public policies to support decarbonization, which will prevail and make a real…

CFAW Annual Member Meeting

CFA Society Washington, DC 1401 New York Ave NW, Suite 330, Washington, DC, United States

Come join fellow CFAW members and celebrate the announcement of our new Board Chair and Directors and thank our outgoing Board members. This is our last major event before the summer vacation season begins and is always a popular event among members. Catch up with old friends and add contacts to your professional network, all…

[Webcast] Where to Hide Your Bonds: An Overview on Private Credit

Interest rates have risen dramatically in 2022 but remain low, especially when compared to elevated inflation levels. Investment-grade debt is still yielding less than inflation. Historically, most RIAs have focused on liquid, investment-grade bonds or ETFs and mutual funds that invest in liquid bonds to fulfill the fixed income mandate in client portfolios. Now, RIAs…

[Webcast] Energy Outlook and Investment Trends

Virtual Virtual

Please join us on Thursday, June 9th for a conversation to gain a better understanding of the potential expected returns, and risks, of investing now in the various energy markets. Given the policies of the Biden Administration and the political trends in the U.S., together with the recent changes in the geo-political environment (Russia Invasion of Ukraine, possibly of a renewed Iran Deal,…

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