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U.S. Equities Boom or Bust 2020

Virtual Virtual

Current investment trends in the United States shift almost daily and present contrasting sides of whether U.S. Equities are a bubble ready to implode or are a great buying opportunity that still offer the best long-term Investment available. Dr. David I Kass, Clinical Professor, Department of Finance at the Smith School of Business at the…


Why & How of the CFA® Charter

Virtual Virtual

Looking to enter the investment management industry? The CFA® charter helps unlock a full range of job opportunities, strengthens your investment knowledge, and costs less than a semester of some traditional MBA programs. Join Kaplan Schweser and a panel of CFA charterholders as we discuss how to earn the charter, who its best for, and…

Trivia Game Night Rematch

Based on the success of our first trivia night, CFA Society Washington DC is hosting a trivia night rematch! Socialize with peers from across the Washington, DC region in a fun, casual setting and dust off any cobwebs that may be forming while working from home. All while raising money for a good cause! If…

Turn Job Interviews into Offers

Have you ever walked out of an interview thinking it went well, but then you didn’t get the job? Or felt a great conversation come to a halt as soon as you answered their salary question? Perhaps in one interview you felt a bit too nervous, or you simply want to polish up your interviewing…


Private Sector Investment Opportunities in U.S. Public Infrastructure – Post COVID-19

Virtual Virtual

GDP growth depends on infrastructure.  Yet, the U.S. has under invested in our essential public infrastructure for decades – the quality of our infrastructure is rated “D” and the estimated under funding exceeds $150 billion annually.  In the US, local governments shoulder the majority of the burden and infrastructure investment has been crowded out by…

Your Resume vs. Your LinkedIn Profile

Virtual Virtual

Is your resume communicating how you can help a prospective employer in the 15 seconds a hiring manager is going to look at it? Are the keywords in your LinkedIn profile strategically placed to improve your likelihood of being spotted by an employer? In this webinar, Robert Hellmann of Hellmann Career Consulting will review actual…


The Economic Impact of COVID-19 & The Impact on Markets

Virtual Virtual

As uncertainly about COVID-19 persists, financial markets around the world have staggered. The global economic damage is already evident and represents the largest economic shock the world has experienced in decades. Governments continue to support the economic recovery and asset prices via an unprecedented amount of liquidity and fiscal stimulus. There is much uncertainty and…


Trivia Game Night

Virtual Virtual

CFA Society Washington DC has partnered with TriviaHub for a night of trivia competition for a good cause! Invite your friends and colleagues to join your team and test your knowledge to compete for CFAW bragging rights! Want to play but don’t have a team to compete with? No problem! you’ll be grouped with other…

CFAW Annual Meeting

Virtual Virtual

As the globe continues to grapple with COVID-19 and our doors remain temporarily shuttered to in-person events, we hope you will join us on Thursday, June 25th for a virtual CFAW member reception. This Annual Meeting is a chance to celebrate the end of a remarkable program year, welcome new Board Members, thank our dedicated…

Analyzing Current Opportunities In The Options Markets

Virtual Virtual

Volatility often creates opportunity. Join industry professionals from the derivatives space as they assess pricing and liquidity in today’s options market. Various hedging and income strategies will be discussed along with associated costs. Learn how the markets have recently behaved and what may lie ahead. Are implied volatilities fairly priced, are skews too steep, should…

​Global Demographics: The Demise of the Demographic Tailwind?

Virtual Virtual

Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve was recently quoted saying “An aging population is driving demand for bonds, pushing their yields lower. We’re so used to the idea that we don’t have negative interest rates, but if you get a significant change in the attitude of the population,…

Systemic Risk and the Fiscal (Monetary) Response to COVID-19

Virtual Virtual

Join Sheila C. Bair, Founding Chair of the Systemic Risk Council, and Former Chair, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and Jeremy Stein, former Federal Reserve Board Governor, Moise Y. Safra Professor of Economics and Chairman of the Department of Economics at Harvard University to discuss their thoughts on the economic impacts of COVID-19, the state…

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